Did you realize that our BLOG PORTAL has been silently upgraded containg the following information:
– 1000 ship´s blogs from A – Z, containing links for website / blog, YouTube videos and tracking inrfomation
– Catamarans from A – Z, with identical criteria as mentioned above
– Yachtie´s and writers, because hands-on-info sometimes are the better rather than theory
– Circumnavigators from A – Z, including sailors staying in the Indiq or Z.A. because we have the felling that they are going back to their homeport at the end.
The portal will be extended and upgraded constantly and you may find info you never ever have found in an as simple way like that.
If you want to get your boat listed here, please just drop a line and we will be happy to add you to the linklist
If you are looking for a particular name of a yacht, just SEARCH for her at right had side.