Category Archives: Equipment
INFLUENCERS AND INFLUENZA – THE SILENT POWER Influencers and influenza: both have the capacity to render one powerless, but while influenza’s challenge to the immune system is impossible to overlook, the influence on our thought processes of sources we trust … Continue reading
Cardinal sins – the rudder
RUDDER, TILLER, WHEEL STEERING, EMERGENCY TILLER Is overconfidence the order of the day? Have we lost our respect for the forces of nature? Naively succumbed to the marketers’ forked tongue? Is the new really always better than the old? Are … Continue reading
The importance of a strong rudder
APPEARANCE AND REALITY A tour of European trade fairs and marinas reveals which marketing campaigns and promotions have gained the most traction and highlights the latest trends and developments to have been packaged up, badged (invariably) as important improvements and … Continue reading
Transom ornaments part #2
Armin Horn and his SailingGen
JOINT VENTURE A man who openly admits to a fascination with rear ends runs a very real risk of being misunderstood. So understand me when I confess to my obsession with the hind quarters: I’m talking about work not pleasure … Continue reading