SV Kira, Claus Boehlje+Tim Wichmann DE
Touchdown auf Waiheke New Zealand, 5.Februar 2013
Gestern war THE DAY (Zitat Njenga). Da naemlich Passagerock gestern und heute geschlossen war bzw. ist, enstand schon vor laengerer Zeit der Plan, den gestrigen Tag zu einem Tag am Strand zu nutzen…mit Fischen, Schwimmen und abendlichem BBQ. Und Tim hatte/hat gluecklicherweise auch noch frei. So kam es dann, dass wir gestern morgen gegen 11:00 in Orapiu starteten, um zum Shelleybeach zwischen Ostend und Surfsdale zu segeln. Mit an bord Will aus Frankreich (Pizzabaecker bei Passagerock), Laura aus Kiel (Kellnerin bei Passagerock, die mit dem Rucksack durch NZ reist und die Insel heute verlaesst, um die Suedinsel zu entdecken….sie hat im uebrigen auch einen sehr lesenswerten Reiseblog auf und Anne aus Norwegen (Backpackerin). WEITERLESEN>
SV Pelerin, Colin Speedie UK
Transatlantic Voyage—What Worked and What Didn’t
There’s nothing like a good long voyage to sort out a boat, for better or for worse. That much I learned running a working charter boat for so many years. Every season we’d cover around 8000 hard miles between the English Channel and the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. On our return to Falmouth at the end of the season we’d present the list of destruction to our long-suffering support crew, only to watch them scratch their heads and ask, “How on earth did you break that?” read more>
SV La Gitana, Michaela+Volker Kissling DE
SV Swantje, Rainer Wäsch DE
Hallo Peter,
die Winterarbeit hat Früchte getragen und der Film vom Lofotentörn mit SY Swantje ist fertiggestellt.
Einer der Hauptdarsteller ist natürlich WINDPILOT Pacific… eine meiner besten Entscheidungen seit ich segle
Mit bestem Gruß
Rainer Wäsch, SV Swantje WEITERLESEN
SV Elenya, Jim Dilley NZ
Hi Peter,
The Windpilot has taken us down to the Subantarctic and up to North Pacific on our SAGA 40, and the rest of the Caribbean and Pacific a few times on other boats. I sailed from the Uk to New Zealand in 93/95, and is still providing excellent service. I believe we crossed paths in the Canaries as you were sailing your own vessel at that time. Cheers
Jim Dilly SV Elenya NZ read more>
SV Blabber, Ingrid+Ben Evers NL
Dear Peter,
we finally have good internet and are able to send you a video of our windpilot working at sea. We can tell you it worked excellent!!
We first got tot the Cape Verde without problems and it worded ok. Than we crossed the Atlantic and the windpilot did all the work!
What a magnificent piece of equipment!!! WOW!!!
We made lots of advertisment about your good service and this marvellous windpilot! We can not understand people crossing oceans without it!
Thanx again for your help, quick service and we hope to hear if the windpilot works as it should on the movie.
Hope to hear from you.
Warm greetings, the blabbercrew,
Ben + Ingrid SV Blabber, Contest 38S Blabber´s blog
Dear Ingrid, dear Ben,
a movie is telling all stories…. and of course the necessities of improvements:
– the knot at the stainless ring nut should be improved to achieve less wear and tear.
– line attachement / tensioning at wheel side should be bettered to activate better response.
After that you might be even more impressed, as slacky lines will cause delayed steering actions….
take care and enjoy the sun
SV Drifter and Cyclone Evans, Savusavu Fiji
December 25th 2012
SV Drifter and Cyclone Evan
Since about a week it becomes more and more clear that there is a cyclone developing. We’re in Savusavu, Fiji. It supposes to be a cyclone hole here and it has a good reputation. However one never knows in advance what can happen.
It’s clear now that Evan will hit Fiji probably close to where we are. People start to prepare their boats and stuff. Moorings are checked by divers and if necessary ropes are replaced. It’s remarkable that no one is nervous, there’s no panic at all. read more>
X-Mas Greetings aus aller Welt
Dec.24th 2012 Elisabeth+Josef Koch, Russell New Zealand
Unsere kleiner Pohutukawa, unser Weihnachtsbaum, wurde erst vor 2 Jahren gepflanzt und blueht das erste Mal. Der Silk Tree ist in voller Bluete. Das Boot ist seit vorgestern erstmal wieder einsatzfaehig, den Besuch aus D haben wir gestern in Auckland abgeholt.
Jetzt muss es heute nur noch aufhoeren zu regnen und dann ist in drei Tagen vielleicht der Sommer wieder da. Dem Tief wird ein Hoch folgen, das war immer so und wird auch diesmal so sein.
Liebe Gruesse!
Elisabeth + Sepp Koch read more> Continue reading
SV Nightmare, Marie+Mark Lagerstrom SE
Another ALBIN VEGA on her way around the playball. After 914 days from departing their homeport in Sweden, Marie and Mark just arrived at Durban South Africa. As Mark describes his boat: ” Yup, she’s not big or fancy or new or anything really but she is mine and she will do”. In fact they just had a party with 11 persons in her tiny little cockpit just in front of the POINT YACHT CLUB, Durban read more please>