SV Hasta Manaja, Otti Schmid CH

Scandi 41 and his owner got aqqainted some time 10 years ago, a Windpilot Pacific getting fitted at the transom and since this time Otti is travelling. Former airline captain he found sailing to be the perfect alternative, found very attractive friends – joining him quite a time – and proceeding further to other places after some time. He has written some lovely books full of humor – seemingly a very lucky person.
Read more about Otti.

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Eine Antwort zu SV Hasta Manaja, Otti Schmid CH

  1. Otti Schmid sagt:

    Hallo Segler, ich war wirklich total begeistert von der Windpilot Selbststeuerung! Die Abenteuer bei meiner Reise um den Erdball sind in meinen Büchern „Hasta Bananas“ und „Hasta Luego!“ beschrieben, die neu als eBooks bei Amazon für „schlappe“ 3.99€ zu haben sind. Info Happy sailing. Otti Schmid

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