SV Séniz – Dominique Haras FRA

Dear Peter, I apologize for the delay in giving you news of the Windpilot Pacific installation. This is due to the fact that my wife is seriously ill and I had not enough time either for the mounting or for sailing. Nevertheless, you could find enclosed some pictures and 2 shorts videos done during a small coastal trip.

I would like introduce to you the new member of Séniz’s crew (Dufour 32 classic GTE). He was named “Peter” because of he’s very clever, noiseless, funny and he swallows milles without ever flinching. Like the other crew’s members, with humour and calm, he make a nap when there are not enough wind i.e. less than 6 nd, sailing down wind. At this time he asks to Raymond to take the helm. Raymond is an electric pilot and his name come from the ex French Prime Minister Raymond Barre.
I’ve used the Pacific only in costal sailing for few days. “Peter” steers very well with a wind coming from 35 to 140 degree and with 8 to 20 nd of apparent wind, even in bad sea with crossing waves, conditions when usually we have to steer ourselves.
Congratulation for your book you send to me with the Windpilot. It’s very kind to share your pleasure to have created and build such device and now I’m proud to share with you all pleasures we had to welcome “Peter” on board.
Promise, I’ll send to you videos of ours futures off shore sailing.
You can use all pictures and videos as you want. There are no copyright!
Kind regards

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