SV Minke – Duncan Lougee UK

Dear Peter, I promised to send some photos once my Pacific Light installation was completed and the boat launched.  I originally made the bracket too low, so this is the Mk II version.  When sailing, the stern squats two inches and everything is just right.


Next time I trail the boat I’ll remember to take the Windpilot off to save breaking it on petrol station canopies, an expensive mistake!

I am planning a trip to Ireland and then to the Azores next summer – my retirement year!

Thank you for all your help, a most efficient service, but most of all, thank you for a quality product that works well.  I have used an Aries and a Hydrovane on previous boats and now a Windpilot on my Folkboat and it’s the best.  I would recommend it to anybody.
Best regards
Duncan Lougee SV Minke

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