SV Blabber, Ingrid+Ben Evers NL

Dear Peter,
we finally have good internet and are able to send you a video of our windpilot working at sea. We can tell you it worked excellent!!
We first got tot the Cape Verde without problems and it worded ok. Than we crossed the Atlantic and the windpilot did all the work!
What a magnificent piece of equipment!!! WOW!!!
We made lots of advertisment about your good service and this marvellous windpilot! We can not understand people crossing oceans without it!
Thanx again for your help, quick service and we hope to hear if the windpilot works as it should on the movie.
Hope to hear from you.
Warm greetings, the blabbercrew,
Ben + Ingrid SV Blabber, Contest 38S    Blabber´s blog
Dear Ingrid, dear Ben,
a movie is telling all stories…. and of course the necessities of improvements:
– the knot at the stainless ring nut should be improved to achieve less wear and tear.
– line attachement / tensioning at wheel side should be bettered to activate better response.
After that you might be even more impressed, as slacky lines will cause delayed steering actions….
take care and enjoy the sun

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