Rockport New England Massachusetts #2

100 years old car perfectly suitable to a 50 year old boat and a wonderfully handcrafted built wooden sailing dinghy – all to be found in Rockport.

Indian summer close to Mystic Seaport where Elizabeth Meyer built up her historic boat yards

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Rockport New England Massachusetts #1

Seemingly the time stands still in New England, at least in terms of the large fleet of traditional boats

Astonishingly the number of old Abeking & Rasmussen boats being beautifully restored is quite large in these waters

The very best time in the year to visit this lovely place is being called the Indian summer – why? Stupid question! Just follow the pictures…

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SV The Tree, Ruediger Nehberg GER

courtesy of R.Nehberg.
German survival expert Ruediger Nehberg crossed the Atlantic twice. His first crossing was in a pedalboat using a Windpilot Atlantic for steering purposes. The second crossing took place in a TREE, starting in Senegal arriving safely in Brazil five weeks later. A Windpilot performed the tree. Have a look about Ruediger´s activities of today

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Sailing without – with Windpilot #3

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Sailing without – with Windpilot #1

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SV Prins Henrik, Jochen Hell DK

Danish Spaekhugger on circumnavigation since 2005, currently in Pacific waters, the Windpilot Pacific Light takes a lot of the steering duties during this journey. Jochen wrote this message:
Lieber Peter
1000 Dank für die Schraube. Ich hatte in die abgebrochene Schraube, bei der noch ein Ende Gewinde nach war, eine dünne VA-Schraube eingestzt, und dann funktionierte das auch noch, hatte aber den Nachteil, dass der Kopf beim loseschrauben sofort ganz lose war. So war dann das morerate Nachregulieren der Einstellung schlecht möglich.
Wie dem auch sei, 1000 Dank für das Ding. Ich empfehle oft nicht nur die „Windpilot“ Vane, sondern auch dich als Hersteller.
Gruss, Jochen read more

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SV 2Mickys, Walter Goossens GER

 title=Skorpion 1200 currently cruising in European waters, the Windpilot Pacific Plus takes a lot of the steering duties during this journeyread more

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SV Lida, Ruben Lehmann GER

Jaguar 27 cruising in European waters, the steering helmsman at the tiller: the Windpilot Pacific Light
If you want to get more information please read more

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SV Larossa, Manfred Urich GER

Trintella 51 on world wide cruises during 12 years, the Windpilot Pacific Plus taking a lot of the steering dutiesread more

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SV Kaya, Gaby+Rüdiger Hirche GER

Ovni 32 made the circumnavigation during 7 years time, wrote the book „Vom Alltag in die Südsee“, the Windpilot Pacific fitted with the MF3 flange bracket, did the major steering workread more

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SV Justdoit, Martin Birkhoff GER

Reinke Super 11 made his way around the world successfully, onboard the Windpilot Pacific, responsible for the steering task. The skipper wrote this message:
Hallo Herr Foerthmann,
wir sind mittlerweile im kalten Sueden Brasiliens und stehen vor dem Sprung nach Uruguay. Onkel Heinrich, unsere Windpilot Pacific arbeitet gut und zuverlaessig und die Kupplung rutscht hoffentlich bald auch nicht mehr durch. Unser Besuch mit den Ersatzbremsringen kommt in ein paar Tagen. Habe zwei Abende lang versucht, ein dramatisches Einsatzfoto zu erhalten. Dann endlich das gewuenschte Ergebnis (s. Anlage) Koennen sie, wenn sie wollen gerne verwenden. Allways fair winds
Martin Birkhoff + Anke Preiss
SY JUST DO IT z. Zt. Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brasilien read more

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SV Jojo, Jürgen Wallenwein GER

HR 39 started for singlehand circumnavigation in 2010, mechanical helmsman: the Windpilot Pacific Plus if you want to follow his adventures please read more

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SV Iron Lady, Michael Wnuk GER

SkorpionII liveaboard family around the world since many years, author for sailing magazins and books, sleepless helmsman: the Windpilot Pacific if you want to join his adventures, just continue reading, SY Iron Lady is currently in Brasil

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SV Blauwe Pinquin, Ben Rutte NED sailing in the Bay of Biscay

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SV Blauwe Pinquin, Ben Rutte NED

VICTOIRE 34 on her way around the world, currently in Pacific Waters. Flawlessly performed by Windpilot Pacificplease follow their adventures and continue to read more

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SV Aventura Trois, Jimmy Cornell UK 70.000 miles in 10 years

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SV Maus, Manfred Marktel ITA, singelander with 12 Atlantic crossings

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Gaff Cutter heading West from Puerto Mogan

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Sailing in the Canaries

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ARC some more impressions

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ARC prestart impressions in Las Palmas

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SV White Witch, Manfred Jabbusch GER

HR 352, sailed singlehanded around the playball to sell his boat afterwards – the buyer an Australian yachtsman asked him to deliver the boat to his home country, so Manfred delivered it to him. The Windpilot Pacific Plus performed during the entire trip. Manfred wrote this message:
Hello Peter, I do not know if I gave a you the Information about selling White Witch. I have done my Circum Navigation last year and sold the boat to Joseph Laskowski. He is a Australien living in Perth. I have sailed White Witch from Trinidad via Cape Town 11000 NM to Fremantle most of the time using the brave working „Pacific Plus“. Under the badest conditions in the „Roaring Forties“ she was a very , very reliable System. Wonderfull is all what I can say. Now you have a new Customer in Australia.
Thank you and Regards
Manfred SY White Witch read more

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SV Tapasya, Suzanne+Ron Metheny US

WHARRAM TIKI 38 selfbuilt in the US and circumnavigation for several years with the Windpilot Pacific at its aft beam, performing well during the entire trip. Suzanne+Ron sent this mail:
Hi Peter, Just a quick note. Tapasya our 38ft. Wharram cat sailed from the east coast of US direct to Antigua, down the chain to Trinidad, over So America to Panama, to Galapagos, French Polyneisa, Cooks, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand. All with the Windpilot Pacific steering 90% of the way. Their is an article in Multihull Magizine (USA) Sept-Oct. 2005 issue about Tapasya that has a great picture of the Windpilot. We were very impressed and thankful for a great piece of German engineering. Tapasya is a gaff schooner over, 6 tons, and as long as I had her balanced the pilot steered well. Even under spinnaker the pilot worked well.
Sincerley, Ron and Suzanne Metheny US read more

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SV Téthys, Jean-Pierre Canet FRA

VIA 38 splendid and solid French built aluminum „deriveurs intégrale“ en cap du l´Atlantique. The Windpilot Pacific performed during the entire trip. read more

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SV LePrelude, Roch Vandenberghe FRA

PIONIER 9 starting from Cherbourg to cruise the Atlantic and Bay of Biscay. The Windpilot Pacific Light is a sleepless helmsman at the stern of the more

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SV Madéo, Helene+Antoine Hache FRA

TRISMUS 37 de Philippe Harlé en tour de L´Atlantique, avec une Windpilot Pacific monter dans le tableau. continuation

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SV JoshuaIII, Stéphane Tremblay CA

CONTESSA 26 13000sm with 2 Atlantic crossings. Flawless helmsman a Windpilot Pacific Light. read more

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SV Maus, Manfred Marktel ITA

CUMULANT 36E German Italian Single Hander, Writer, Bookauthor, has done 12 Transatlantic crossings incl. longterm sailing in Antarctic waters. The Windpilot Pacific Plus steered most of the time in even serious circumstances. read more and view vidoes published separately

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SV Alumine, Elisabeth+Helmut Bedenig AUT

OVNI 38 circumnavigation of 5 years, writing many articles including a book, have sensational pictures on their website. STeering helmsman the Windpilot Pacific fitted with MF3 flange bracket at the inside of sugar scoop. read more and see the pictures

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SY Anima III, Martin Hammer AUT

Wooden COLIN ARCHER 36´on worldwide cruising, currently in Darwin, Bali, Papua New Guinea and other seldom visited waters. Windpilot Pacific is performing most of the time. The owner wrote this email:
Lieber Herr Foerthmann!
Meine/Ihre Pacific, die ich mir extra fuer diese einjaehrige Reise (2nd hand) zugelegt habe, hat sich bis in die Karibik und zurueck ins Mittelmeer bestens bewaehrt. Keinerlei Reparaturen, Wartung nur einmal ein paar Tropfen WD40 in die Stellschraube (Begriff?) und sonst ein paar Tausend Meilen problemloses Selbststeuern. Die beste performance sahen wir am Wind und vor dem Wind unter Schmetterlingsegeln. Mich hat vor allem das Konzept in seiner simplen Funktionalitaet beeindruckt, besonders nach der Begutachtung im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Systemen, die man bei den Fahrtenseglern so sieht. Der gute Service scheint mir auch ein grosses Plus fuer den Windpiloten zu sein. Ganz wenige Segler haben mit ihrer Anlage Schwierigkeiten gehabt, die Grosszahl war ebenso zufrieden wie ich. Und meine Mundpropaganda unter anderen Yachties fuer ihr Produkt wird der Popularitaet der Pacific sicher nicht schaden! Anbei Fotos des Schiffes und der installierten Windpilot Pacific.
herzliche Grüsse
Martin Hammer read more about their adventures

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