SV Kira von Celle, Beate+Detlev Schmandt GER

Beate + Detlev SchmandtKira vor Anker in the TuamotusWORK FIRST – GO SAILING AFTERWARDS
SV SOLVEIGH IV, a HR 42, Number 77 built in 1983 has been cruising around the world with the famous German Circumnavigator ROLLO GEHARD during 1983 – 1991.
Todays owners Beate und Detlev purchased the boat in 2002 and converted her to todays standards during 2 years of hard work.The started from their homeport Hamburg in 2004 and cruising around the ball without time limits now since 7 years time – not finished yet, as they are staying in the Pacific now.
Please follow their blog here.

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