SV Robin – Ian Leggett Au


Hi Peter,it is about ten years ago since I purchased my windpilot from you, perhaps you recall some discussion whether the light model would be adequate as my boat is longer than the recommendation however it is a traditional shape with long keel so tracks easily.
The other discussion was how to attach it to my small angled transom.
The answer to the first point is that it steers my boat superbly in all conditions and has transformed my cruising pleasure.
To the second ,as you can see and a bit more clearly in another video I will send ,I strengthened my pushpit and made a wooden mount attached by 4 bolts to the pushpit to which the windpilot is attached. When I am not cruising I just remove the wooden mount and windpilot. This video is in the recherché archipelago south coast Western Australia.
Regards Ian Leggett

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