Hallo Peter, I write to you in English, as this is easier for me than in German – and I know that you’re English is excellent:
My wife and I spent our summer-vacation in July sailing (as we usually do), and this year to Norway („Sørlandet“ between Arendal and Langesund) and back. All in all approx. 700 nm and our new Windpilot did the steering for approx. 65 hours – all to our total satisfaction 🙂
We sailed from Apenrade to Hals at the entrance to Limfjorden (28 hours) and after a few stormy days in port we went to the archipelago outside Arendal (25 hours). Then we enjoyed the Norwegian archipelago and coastline for two weeks before sailing back to Bønnerup at the coast of Djursland (26 hours)
For more than 15 days we were without electricity from land – with only our solar-panel to keep instruments and refrigerator going. And for all this sailing, the Windpilot did 65 hours of steering without taken a single amp out of our battery … and with almost no sound to hear from it … that was perfect :-
De bedste hilsner Carsten