Hi Peter,
We thank you for your help throught the „Gros Dave“ the Pacific windpilot.
Our travel Le Grau du Roi to Martigues, by road it’s near 50 km!!! For Athos it was 1660 days & 13000 Nm!!
Grau du Roi / Spane / Ceuta / Canaria islands / Cabo Verde / Senegal (Casamance) / Cabo Verde / Brasil / French Guyana / Surinam / Grenade / Caraïbean Island / Barbuda / Acores / Gibraltar strait / Minorque / Martigues
Please, found here below some links of our third man on board, the most important, the only crew member without request of food and rum!!!
Thank you to you Peter and all members of your team.
Raoul & Marie-Ange from SV ATHOS