SV Club, Martin Iut Argentina


Mi nombre es Martin Iut, nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Soy tecnico de sonido y en estos momentos estoy viviendo en Barcelona. En este blog encontraras un dia mis pensamientos, otro dia una narracion de un viaje y otros dias cosas que me apetezca contar, como asi tambien fotos de los periplos. Espero que les guste.

Martin Iut built his 12 m boat in steel for several years, came to Hamburg to get the Windpilot.

Hi Peter, long time ago that I would write to thank the treatment you gave us in Germany. I do it for today to thank you for selling a product so wonderful. The wind pilot works so well, yet I do not think that that is true. I still need to learn how to calibrate it perfectly and troubleshoot a small movement that got between the emergency Rudder and the main shaft of my Rudder, but it is working perfectly. In fact we brought from Punta del Este in Uruguay, to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil about 270 miles with portant wind and strong (25-28 knots) and the pilot did not touch even once. Amazing. I have to do to you a few questions, but that will be later on. At the moment I leave my congratulations and promise in the future to send more pictures and some more detailed video. He sent a cordial greeting.
indeed, our most loyal crew is called Peter, I hope it does not offend you… jajaja.
Bye Martin

please continue reading on his blog in Spanish language

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