Unter Foristen – über Kodexe und andere Echsen, Fortsetzung
YF Diskussion WSA #4
Jedenfalls Steuerfreiheit, so oder so
YF Diskussion WSA #3
Achterbahnfahren, aber trotzdem aus Kurs, hier geht´s weiter
YF Diskussion WSA #2
Muss das Rad immer wieder neu erfunden werden? oder nicht?
YF Diskussion WSA #1
Authentizität im Umgang mit Seglern ist einfach, mit Marktbegleitern nicht, weiterlesen
SV Westernman, Tom Cunliffe UK
Westerman is a 46´Gaff Cutter, performed by a Windpilot Pacific fitted with MF5 bracket around the heavy barn door transom hunged main rudder. Tom Cunliffe UK, journalism, books, film wrote this message:
Hi Peter, Hope this finds you well. Please see the attached which will soon be appearing in Yachting Monthly. I didn’t have enough space to say how well the gear works with wind alone, but this has interested so many people that YM decided to run it. I love using it this way.
As ever
Tom read more and learn about Tom
YF Mann über Bord und nun? #2
Warum ist es für einen Schwimmer am Heck so gefährlich?
YF Mann über Bord und nun? #1
Schnelle Bemerkung über einen schnellen Einstieg
YF Comments on Hydraulic steering
Hydraulic steering not always the very best solution for a cruising boat
Gerard Dykstra Zeezeiler 1972 until today
Once 1972 and Today: Gerard Dykstra is sailing his own design Bestevaer53
WF Sailomat parts
Where to get part for older Sailomat 3040
WF Line transfer of Serve Pendulum unit for hydraulic steering
Pendulum units useful for hydraulic steering? Not a very good idea!
SV Sleipnir, Evi Strahser+Wolfgang Wirtl AUT
Wharram 36 Catamaran, DIY built by previous owner performed by the Windpilot Pacific fitted at the aft beam. They wrote this message: “ Wir sind einer der wenigen kats (www.sleipnir2.at) die mit windfahne – vor allem überwiegend – fahren. nachteil ist der ungeschützte bereich zwischen den rümpfen. in neuseeland werden wir endgültig etwas überlegen (5 kollisionen auf den letzten 8000nm – aber meist nur das pendelruder weggeklappt).
mit den steuerleinen haben wir lange experimentiert, weil wir das schiff mit windfahne gekauft haben und keine orginalfixierung drauf war/nicht sein kann.haben letztes jahr in südspanien nach meinen vorstellungen eine klemme anfertigen lassen, die super funktioniert, aber als schlossereinzelstück sauteuer war. fotos schicken wir, wenn wir wieder internetzugang haben – in den marquesas, in 2500 sm.
mit freundlichen grüßen
evi strahser + wolfgang wirtl
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SV Yagoona, Svenja Zielinski+Marc Panzer GER
Bavaria 37 finished successfully the circumnavigation in the year 2009. The Windpilot Pacific performed the entire trip successfully. Svenja and Marc wrote this message:
Hallo Herr Förthmann,
wir sind nun fast in Auckland angekommen, draussen arbeitet unser Windpilot wirklich top. Unglaublich, wenn man hier in den Funkrunden die Probleme der anderen mit deren elektrische. Autopiloten hört. Jeder hat da Ärger und Ärger bedeutet nun mal evtl. tagelanges Steuern….
beste Gruesse
Marc Panzer
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SV Maverick, Johannes Erdmann GER
Fellowship 27 from Europe to Florida changing to Contest 33 to todays MaverickIII a 40´South Africa designed One Off sloop
SV Hippopotamus, Judith+Soenke Roever, GER
Gib Sea 106 sailed around the playball successfully within 3 years time. The boat has been fitted with a Windpilot Pacific during the entire journey and performed flawlessly. read more
SV Blue Moon, Adam Correa USA
International Folkboat participated successfully at the Singlehand TRANSPAC race, performed by a Windpilot Pacific Light sucessfully.read more and see the video in sep. posting
SV Frigga, Thomas Langer GER
Vega 27 returned back to her home country after an Atlantic circle performed by the Windpilot Pacific Light. read more
SV Constellation, Nick Jaffe AUS
Contessa 26 sailing home from England back to his home country Australia, performed by a Windpilot Pacific Light at the transom all the time. Here his first feedback from Las Palmas some time ago:
Hi Peter,
I hope you remember me – I hassled you a lot about a Windpilot, and finally bought one in Holland. Anyway, I just wanted to say I did successfully make it across the Atlantic, and while I was late all through Europe, and even pretty late on my crossing, I am here in Barbados, the West Indies. The Windpilot was fantastic, steering nonstop from Gran Canaria.
Kind regards,
read more and see the video posts as well
SV Jager, Dick Koopmans NED
SV Spirit of Rockingham, Jamie Dunross AUS
Sparkman & Stephens 34 Disabled wheelchairdriver Jamie Dunross made his way to circumnavigate Australia sucessfully.
He arrived safely back in PERTH Western Australia on 4.th of august 2010. The Windpilot Pacific steered almost the entire time. Here Jamies report:
Hi Peter and Marzena,
I want to thank you both for your support by providing me with one of your windpilots – it is clear to me that I would not have completed my circumnavigation of Australia without the use of the Windpilot. It never failed, unlike the autopilot which failed on several occasions whilst navigating through the barrier reef. Even in tight navigating through the reef it got me through.
It was actually impossible for me to steer the boat manually at times, due to the sea state, so I think the Windpilot may have even saved my life at times as I could rely on it to hold my course when it was too difficult for me to manually steer the boat. I had waves roll through the stern of the boat and over the Windpilot and it still held firm and kept going. An absolutely amazing piece of equipment.
I am starting to go on the speaking circuit and did a talk last Sunday at Fremantle Sailing Club and sang the praises of the Windpilot. In fact as I went around Australia that’s exactly what I did as well and I had a lot of people ask me questions about it. Have you had much feedback from Australia?
I can’t thank you both enough for your support and trusting in me. I am so glad to be home. It was the most challenging thing I have done in my life and your support was a major part of the success of the circumnavigation.
Kindest regards
Jamie Dunross
read more and see his video blog
SV Guppy, Laura Dekker NED
Gib Sea 37 getting sailed single handed around the playball by a 15 year old Dutch girl. The boat is being performed by a Windpilot Pacific. Laura wrote:
Hallo Peter,
Wie geht es dir?
Hier ist die Ruhe schon wieder ein bißchen zurück,
Wir haben jetzt ein anderes schiff weil die hurley 800 zu klein war fur al diese verlangen von der tribunal.
Aber dieses schiff hat ein schimplatform, das heißt das dieses schiff ein andere fuß für dem windpiot braucht.
Kannst du mich vielleicht helfen?
Es ist ein jeaneau gin fizz mit ein schwimplattfrom.
Viele Grußen Laura
read more about Laura
SV Playmobil, Guido Marx GER
Breehorn 37 on her way in Atlantic waters
SV Aorai, Susi+Tom Mallunat GER
Wharram Tangaroa on her way in Atlantic waters, being performed by a Windpilot Pacific at the aft beam. Tom wrote in 2009:
Hallo Peter,
Bisher sind wir mit der Pacific hoch zufrieden und sind froh sie zu
haben, insbesondere mit dem Hinblick auf unsere geplante längere
Seereise, die im Mai beginnen soll. Danke schön für die Arbeit, die in
der Windfahnensteuerung steckt.
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SV Momo, Britta+Uwe Moser GER
Koopmans 40 on her way around the playball. The Windpilot Pacific is performing at the transom most of the time at sea. Britta and Uwe wrote this email:
Hallo Peter
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Auf unserer Webseite http://www.momos-meilen.de werde ich mich für Ihren Super service bedanken.
Viele Grüße,
Uwe Moser, SY Momo
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SV Aquila, Jan-Olof Persson SWE
HR 352 on her way around the playball performed by the Windpilot Pacific. Jan Olof wrote this message in 2008:
Hi Peter
It is a pleasure to write this e-mail to tell you how satisfied I am today with the Wind Pilot which I bought from you 2007.
Since then I have been practicing to improve my handling of the Wind-Rodder-system.
Several sailors have asked me about the Wind Pilot system this summer. I have given my best recommendation and info where to find the manufacturer. Some have also taken photos of my arrangements with pilot and bath platform.
Best regards
Med vänlig hälsning
Jan-Olof Persson
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SV Chintouna, Brice Le Huec FRA
Reve d´Antilles 43 on her way around the playball.read more
SV Harryz, Britt+Erik Foyn NOR
Bavaria 38 on her way South, a Windpilot Pacific is being the helmsman.read more
SV Toucan, Colin Speedie UK
Ovni 435 on extended cruising in Atlantic waters, a Windpilot Pacific fitted with the MF3 flange bracket. Colin wrote this message:
Hi Peter
We have had our Windpilot Pacific for over a year now on our OVNI 435, and have used it whenever possible. However, we have never really needed it until the last few days, when it has proved itself beyond any doubt.
We spent most of this summer on the west coast of Scotland, where the weather has been mainly good, if windy, at least until the middle of August when it ceased to be good, but just got more windy! We left to sail back to France in the middle of August, and had a very hard time beating down the Irish Sea against strong southerly winds, interspersed with days holed up in a succession of ports when it blew more than gale force from the south – what a summer. By the time we got a break with the weather, our autopilot, a top of the range model (which has always given trouble) had finally packed up altogether. So when we set off from Dublin we had only the Pacific to rely on.
We got back to Falmouth in just over 40 hours in winds that ranged from F1-6 and the Pacific steered just about every metre under sail. Having had two windvanes before (Aries and a Monitor) for over 25 years what amazed me was just how easily the Pacific coped with winds that ranged from strong (reaching) to very light (running). Even my wife who has up until now viewed the vane as a creature of mystery is a total convert!
There is no doubt in my mind that the Pacific is the most simple, robust and dependable piece of equipment on the boat, and we would never be without it. It is the best windvane on the market in my view.
Thanks once again for a truly seaworthy piece of gear.
Kind regards
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SV Fly Away, Edze Veldman NED
Koopmans 47 Concord on her way around the playball. The Windpilot Pacific steers all the way.read more