Hi Peter sorry for the long delay to get you some pictures of Carmina with the WP installed, out voyaging. Frankly, we had no wind on this trip in September and so had little chance to test the WP. But from what I could tell, it will be great for future trips. Feel free to use these photos if there is a value in that. Again, Carmina is a John G. Alden design know as a “Mistral”, or „Design No. 981,” about 37 feet in length/ 11 meters; 14k pounds weight/ 6.3 metric tons. I would like to come visit Germany again, soon, but I don’t have anything planned, unfortunately.
All best,
Mark Hungerford, Seattle WA
SV Carmina – Mark Hungerford US
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Nice, wow… another ship called “Carmina”, like mine. Carmina, from old Latin, means singing. Isn’t that a suitable name for a sailing ship?